Hang On To Each Other


Obviously things haven't settled down too much around here, and that's why it's been so quiet. I'm attempting to stay positive with this post though, so here goes. This past weekend the mister and I got away for a bit. It was much needed. I had a ton of unfinished homework when we left Friday afternoon, homework I knew was due Sunday by midnight, but I managed to get in that car anyhow. I'm so glad I did too. A change of scenery and a little spontaneity did the trick. We went to Chicago to see Tanner & Amanda (& Stella!). We ate so much delicious food, consumed too many drinks, public transited all over, shopped, explored and just so happened to catch a Thee Silver Mt. Zion show! Umm, have you heard of this band? I really hope so, but if not, immediately commence your google, youtube or whatnot search. I can probably hook you up with some links, too :) Not only was the show beyond amazing, but the fact that us seeing this show so last minute came to pass, well that was pretty amazing as well. Literally just two weeks ago I remembered how much I love this band, and I'd been listening to them nonstop ever since. And then it just so happened that they were playing a show the same exact weekend we were in Chicago?! We bought our tickets 30 minutes before sales ended, just hours before the show. I'd call that fate, and I was ecstatic, to say the least. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't imagine seeing this band with anyone but Aaron, Tanner & Amanda. It was perfect. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that they played my favorite song as the encore? And it lasted like 12 minutes. Yeah, perfection. The whole weekend was pretty great really. We got Sprinkles and Magnolia Bakery while we were there, too. T & A definitely know how to entertain. Thanks again, <3 you guys, come visit us soon!

Here's a little taste...
God Bless Our Dead Marines by A Silver Mt Zion on Grooveshark
Teddy Roosevelts Guns by A Silver Mt Zion on Grooveshark