
Guess what? I got a job! Finally.
I never thought getting a part time, minimum wage job would be so exciting, but it is.
I start on Tuesday and cannot wait!
I have been holding out for a library job since we moved to MI, and I didn't think it was going to happen.
Alas, it did. I guess sometimes you just have to have faith that things will work out.

This is what I wore today.
Aaron reluctantly agreed to take a few pictures for me despite the freezing (FREEZING!) cold.
And I managed to only fall one and a half times on the icy, snow-packed steps.
Yes, these are the infamous steps that the mailman constantly yells at us about.
You see, we don't utilize our front entrance as we don't even have a key for the door, thus we don't shovel or salt these steps.
Well, the mailman is less than happy about this fact.
So he leaves us notes on our mail.
Mean ones.
Today he rang our doorbell to yell at us.
Aaron felt bad, so he shoveled the steps.
Hopefully the end of mean mailman.
End of story.

My computer keeps crashing so this has to be all for tonight.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

(Skirt and coat vintage, sweater and boots thrifted)